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Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to Step Down May 15

After two decades in office, Lee will hand over the reins to his deputy, Lawrence Wong.

The handover marks the end of an era for Singapore, which has been led by Lee since 2004.

Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, 72, will step down on May 15, he announced on Friday, April 15, 2024. The handover will mark the end of a two-decade run for Lee, who has led Singapore since 2004.

Lee's deputy, Lawrence Wong, 51, will succeed him as prime minister. Wong is currently the finance minister and has been widely seen as the frontrunner to take over from Lee.

In a statement, Lee said that he had made the decision to step down after "much thought and consideration." He said that he had always intended to hand over the reins to a new generation of leaders by the time he turned 70, but that he had stayed on longer than expected due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"I am confident that Lawrence Wong and his team will be able to lead Singapore to greater heights," Lee said. "They are a capable and committed group of leaders who are ready to take on the challenges ahead."

Wong said that he was "humbled and honored" to be chosen as Lee's successor. He said that he would work to build on the foundation that Lee had laid and to lead Singapore to a brighter future.

"I am committed to serving Singapore and its people with all my heart and soul," Wong said. "I will work to build a more inclusive, prosperous, and progressive Singapore for all."
